The Jesus Code
Lesson 10
Know the One Healing Presence
“Only the Spirit of God can heal, That which you are, for It is the activity of the one Life which is perfect. Nothing is Impossible when you know the meaning of omnipresent Life and the non-power of effects. Understand and be aware of the radiating energy of the Word of god as the Law of Wholeness. Be the healing power.”
Healing is a part of the natural order process, and we are all healers. Therefore, we must understand – without a shadow of a doubt – that nothing is impossible. The restoration of our minds, emotions, and bodies to the Divine Standard is an activity of our Holy Self working through our awareness of Its Presence and Power. And regardless of the condition that our false beliefs have created, it can be corrected. “There is no order of difficulty.” The same principle holds true for healing others. When we are aware of our divine Identity – and any other particular person as the I-Spirit-Life of God – the “I” of that individual is released form false beliefs to do its healing work. this is the true significance of omnipresence.
Throughout the ages, there have been demonstrations of incredible healings – not by a personal mind, but by the omnipresent “I” working through the healers. Read further for examples and more about these demonstrations of healing.